Embrace the full void

Did you lefted something behind?
What was it...?
I can´t really put my finger on it...
But i am certain, that never ever gonna be the same again...

The universe planetary pentagram shifted something.

Both the tall palm trees, and the yellow light that surrounded them

We´re jumping in frames...
I feel textures under my feet.
Grass, gravel or stone...

People we´re misjudging me for my looks
However, i was in peace as always...
I´ve had to strip myself to reassure them!
Then the fire that lies in me burned bright, warming the cold, giving light to the darkness!

"Take it and forget about it..."

But how can you forget, if you don´t even remember...?
Whole with the universe... How can you come down to existence...
Without feeling the void?

Something has dropped, i was there, but i wasn´t...
I came back, but i didn´t...
Through the void, i realize that things will never be the same again!

...better embrace the full void...

The red flower guided me through the darkness, and a fast black dog made me return...
I wasn´t seeing, just feeling

And as I learned what has really changed!
I feel now that something has dropped out of me...

It´s a full voidness, better embrace it!
